Title I is a federally funded program to benefit students performing below grade level. These students must be below grade level in the subject area to qualify. The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) is a state-funded program to benefit students performing below grade level. The object of both programs is to accelerate the achievement of low performing students to grade level in reading and language arts.
More information on these programs can be found at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for Washington State website for Title I / Learning Assistance Program (LAP).
Tahoma School District's Title I schools are Lake Wilderness Eementary, Shadow Lake Elementary and Cedar River Middle School. LAP services are provided at all four elementary schools.
Citizen Complaints
A citizen complaint is a written statement to OSPI alleging that a federal or state special education rule or law has been violated by a school district, another public agency serving students, and education service district, or the state.
More information on this process can be found on the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for Washington State website for filing a citizen complaint.