Register online by visiting the Online Enrollment Center.
Kindergarten Registration
Welcome kindergarten families! Kindergarten enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year will open on Friday, December 1. Parents are encouraged to complete their child's Kindergarten Enrollment by January 31, 2024, if at all possible.
- Tahoma is using an online enrollment process which no longer requires parents to provide documentation in person, but instead, you will upload the necessary documents.
- To enroll for kindergarten, students must be 5 years of age on or before August 31, 2024.
- Schools will continue to register incoming kindergarten students through August 2024, but we encourage you to register as soon as possible so we are able to communicate with you about transition events for incoming kindergarteners. These events include, but are not limited to, Kindergarten Assessments, Kindergarten Camp and Family Connection Meetings.
Is my child kindergarten ready? Use the
Kindergarten Readiness Guidelines to identify your child's strengths and growth areas. This form details the skills we hope our incoming students will have prior to the start of school. We encourage you to work on these skills with your child to assist in their school readiness.
Starting in February, each month leading up to school, we email our
Kindergarten Readiness Newsletter to registered families. Each newsletter contains ideas and resources to help families support the growth of their child's language and literacy, math and reasoning, and social-emotional skills.