The Tahoma School District Multi-Lingual Learner (MLL) program helps students bridge the gap between their home language and English so they can access core instruction in their classrooms. Our goal is for every family to feel welcome and in partnership with their child's education in Tahoma School District.
We currently have one district coordinator, 4 full-time MLL teachers, one half-time elementary MLL teacher, 2 partial MLL and other content teachers at Tahoma High School, four secondary MLL paraeducators, and seven elementary MLL paraeducators. In the fall of 2022, Tahoma had more than 475 students who spoke another language, with 29 languages represented.
In our elementary schools, our current services are "pull out" services. Students leave their classroom and go to the MLL room to work on the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students who receive reading and math interventions leave the classroom at the same time so several students are not in the room, but are going to get the support they need to be successful in school.
At both middle schools, we offer two MLL support options. All students who qualify for MLL are placed in the MLL class unless they also qualify for Special Education and the two classes conflict with each other. Students with scheduling conflicts are provided with MLL support during one of their content classes. For students with lower MLL proficiency, we also offer MLL STRETCH in addition to the MLL class period to give them additional English Language Development support. Students are selected for MML STRETCH based on their most current WIDA ACCESS annual data and/or their date of entry into the USA.
At Tahoma High School, all students who qualify for MLL services are placed in an MLL class unless they also qualify for Special Education and the two classes conflict with each other. Students with scheduling conflicts are provided with MLL support during one of their content classes. We offer MLL I for students with lower MLL proficiency and MLL II for students with higher MLL proficiency. Students are selected for MLL I or MLL II based on their most current WIDA annual data.
Annual testing: All students who qualify for MLL services (including students in SPED and students on an MLL service waiver) are required to test annually to see if they have reached English proficiency and no longer qualify. Testing takes place during an 8-week testing window that falls in February/March each year. Results are usually back to our district at the end of May.
Our program offers
Screening for services: The screener helps us determine the student's proficiency level in English. If they qualify, the parent will receive a notification of services, and will begin to receive services from a staff member at their school.
Translation services: We assist with arranging translations for conferences, IEP meetings, or problem-solving meetings. In essence, any need the parent has related to their child's education, we are glad to support.
Here are several additional documents:
Home Language Survey and the parent notification we send home after the student has been screened and shows they qualify for services.
Language Line Quick Reference Guide, a service that teachers have the option of using to communicate with families.
If you have any specific questions about MLL services at your child's school, please reach out to the K-12 MLLZ Coordinator or a staff member at your child's school. Contact information is below.