As part of the our “Into Literature” curriculum for grades 6-8, the Tahoma School District administers the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Reading Growth Measure to all 6th-8th grade students to assess student’s reading comprehension level at the beginning, middle and end of the year. We create individual student score reports from this assessment and share those with students and families to support our partnership in learning. These results represent snapshots in time and give insight into student progress as a reader.
To view the most recent Parent Information Night about Growth Measure, click here.
HMH Reading Growth Measure Results:
Date Submitted
Time Spent
Scaled Score
Scaled Score
Performance Level
Grade Level Equivalency
Student growth index score (SGI)
SGI Level
Interpreting the Results
The HMH Reading Growth Measure provides insight into your student’s performance through several measures::
- Time Spent - The amount of time your student spent working on the assessment. The assessment is untimed and takes most students about 35 minutes to complete.
- Scaled Score & Performance Level - the scale score is the number of test items a student answered correctly and factors in item difficulty. The minimum scaled score a student should achieve by the end of the year is between 50 - 74. The Performance Level categories are Below-Level, On-Level, or Above-Level and lets you know where your student’s performance is currently at for their grade level content.
- Grade Level Equivalence (GLE) - the student’s score relative to a grade level. In the HMH system a 6.0 would be the end of year expectation for a grade 6 student. The decimal (tenth) helps monitor progress toward the end of year expectation when the test is taken multiple times during the year. In the HMS system the decimal does not equate to months. Students scoring above 8.9 are designated “HS;” a high school level reader.
- Student Growth Index (SGI) & Level - is a measure that is provided once a student has taken the HMH Growth Measure assessment more than once in a school year. The SGI measures the amount of gain a student has achieved within a school year. The minimum growth target is 100 for students. If a student has an SGI less than 95, they would currently be showing Low Growth and the student may need additional help.