Once you terminate with the school district, your SEBB benefits will end at the end of that month. Be sure to review the following DRS information as this could impact your PEBB benefits.
DRS: Resignation timing affects health and pension benefits for school employees and teachers.
PEBB WILL NOT SEND YOU INFORMATION! You must request information from them. I have links below to the enrollment guide and form.
PEBB-Retiree Benefits
Phone: 800-200-1004
PEBB Webinars for SEBB School Employees
Attend a retirement webinar | Washington State Health Care Authority
PEBB Enrollment Guide 2024
PEBB Enrollment Form 2024 (is also the deferment form)
Do I have to sign up for PEBB?
No, you can sign up for Continuation Coverage (COBRA) for up to 18 months after you retire/leave employment with the district. You could opt into a spouse’s medical plan under a special open enrollment event. You could also enroll in Marketplace coverage with the State of Washington due to a special open enrollment event. More information can be found on the Continuation Coverage tab of this benefit information.